fashionable guys

 Landing on the best-dressed list is easy when you shop with us. Here is an assortment (in no particular order) of the best-dressed people at the Gotstyle SS16 Magazine Launch party. For everyone who could not attend our party or who was living under a rock, sorry, you missed a great party. Toronto’s finest came[..]

rock your dad bod feature image

“Rock Your Dad Bod” as featured in Gotstyle Man issue #3 highlights fathers with their kids. You get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a father in the modern world and how that affects what you wear. Travel Dad Outfit details: Blue Industry Blazer $349, Benson Top $85, Strellson Travel Pant $248 I[..]

10 year best dressed feature image

Gotstyle’s 10 Year Anniversary’s Best Dressed We celebrated our 10 year anniversary last summer at the Audi downtown dealership in Toronto. It was also in celebration and debut of the first issue of Gotstyle Man. The party featured a live band and a collection of influential guest at the fashion show; this fashionable event filled the[..]