
Fashion icon Jeanne Beker features our cool Vito anchor shorts in the latest June issue of Post City Magazine’s Father’s Day editorial. To buy this item or to browse our own Ultimate Fathers Day Gift Guide click here online store. 


The second annual Right To Play Ball was held last month at the Shangri La Hotel downtown Toronto.  Founded by Fashion Television alumni Glen Baxter, the event brought out the who’s who in fashion, entertainment and sports including fashion designers Greta Constantine, Evan Biddell, Lucian Matis, supermodel Stacey Mackenzie, Kardinal Offishall, infamous music video director… [Read More]

Our colourful Strellson and Anderson’s belts seem to be taking the menswear scene by storm. As seen in this latest feature by Report On Business  adding colour is not reserved just for the hipsters of Queen West and should be embraced by the suits of Bay Street. Step out of your “monotone corporate towers” and infuse… [Read More]

Gotstyle recently teamed up with Clear Men for a great giveaway where you have the chance to win a $40 Gotstyle gift card and Clear Men products. All you have to do is: Go to Clear Men Summer Style Showdown (the “Fanpage”), Vote for the look you love the most Complete the “Entry Form” (which is basically just… [Read More]


Big shout-out to Sharp Magazine for featuring our epic Pantone Party in their latest issue on stands right now. The party marked the start of Spring and the official launch of our Distillery District location. It was a monumental occasion for us  and the start of a new chapter for our brand. We once again thank everyone… [Read More]

Yesterday was a busy day as we had the awesome Minna Rhee, lifestyle reporter for Global News sit down with Melissa to talk about the latest menswear trends for Prom 2013. Here is the segment that was featured on Global News.