
We’re Hiring: E-Commerce Assistant
Gotstyle is looking for an enthusiastic, creative and technologically savvy e-commerce assistant to join our thriving online team. Specific responsibilities for this position include, but are not limited to: online customer service, liaise with external departments as necessary, order fulfilment and shipping, building/ creation of product cards for online, and maintaining the back end of… [Read More]

#DressToKill Gotstyle x 19 Crimes Launch Event Recap
Last week, in true Gotstyle fashion, we threw a criminally amazing fete celebrating the Ontario launch of 19 Crimes– a winery out of Australia that produces two exceptional reds- the 2012 Shiraz Durif and the Shiraz Grenache Mataro. The event, held at our grand Distillery District location, treated the well-dressed crowd to delicious glasses of… [Read More]

Join us on Thursday, July 10th at the Liberty Market Building Galleria from 5pm to 10pm for Summer Craft Beer Fest 2014. Stroll through the cobblestone galleria of Liberty Market Building discover some of the best craft brewers on the planet along with great food and entertainment. Craft beer vendors include Mill St, Amsterdam, Wellington,… [Read More]

White Out: Four [+] Ways To Wrap Yourself In White This Summer
One of summer’s most lasting trends can also be impossibly difficult to pull off. The all-white look is tricky (almost as ambitious as the double-breasted blazer), yet done well is a sartorial statement like no other, reading as confident and sleek. Done wrong, and the shame shall haunt you for life- even after years of… [Read More]

Canada Day Long Weekend Holiday Hours
Our first summer long-weekend is finally here and while most places are quick close up, we’re poised to serve you! Bringing you the hottest sales and trends for the summer season we’re open all weekend and Canada Day Tuesday. Drop by either locations or shop online of some amazing men’s fashions and deals. Gotstyle Menswear Bathurst Fri 11am-8pm… [Read More]