Tag Archives: Monte and Co

Style Tips

One Suit, Four Ways

May 16, 2014

Guys for the most part are conditioned to be very pragmatic shoppers. They look for things that they obviously need, but also things that give them the most amount of “versatility”. Though we are strong believers in having a diverse wardrobe, segmented for different occasions, we completely understand the need for versatility in ones closet. One of the most common questions we receive when wardrobing men in suits is, “Can these pieces be worn separately?”

To answer that very question we’ve put together this great style guide to demonstrate how you can wear one suit four ways.


Style Tips

Normally the sartorial territory of ship captains and French film stars, the rarified double breasted blazer is hitting city streets in updated, more ­­­­off-beat versions. The spring/summer trend is still ultra refined, but now works with denim (in a shorter length), work-worthy suiting, sleek social or imposing formal looks. The DB blazer elevates the simple to slick- there is an interpretation for every man.


AVAILABLE AT: Bathurst, Distillery