Style Tips

Believe it or not, the holiday season is upon us and that means you’ll be heading to a few office parties, family get togethers, and a myriad of other social engagements. Dressing for the season can get a little tricky as people often find themselves teetering uncomfortably between looking festive and looking like a glorified ornament.[..]

Staff Picks

Finding the right transitional outerwear piece can sometimes get tricky because while you want something that will keep you warm on those chilly Toronto nights in fall you definitely don’t want something so robust that you look like you’re training for an arctic voyage. That is why we’ve turned to our in-house stylist Neal, Max[..]


Meet Mike, a father of three boys and an accomplished contemporary custom furniture designer (Greenwood Studio) who was recently told by his family that he was not allowed under any circumstances to wear his outdated 8yr old suit to a friends wedding this weekend. As such, he dropped by Gotstyle last minute and met up with Daria,[..]

New arrivals

So you’ve finally revamped your fall wardrobe. You’ve bought appropriate sweaters & knits, suits and shirts all to prepare for the weather ahead. So, why are you still recycling your shoes? Shoes, like a mans watch say a lot about the wearer before they’ve even had a chance to utter a word. So make sure[..]

Style Tips

Back To School Cool

August 27, 2013

Highschool is over and it’s time you discovered the new you! The stakes are higher and your competition more aggressive than you could ever imagine. You can’t just talk the talk you gotta walk the walk. No more silly knapsacks, or ripped up jeans and definitely no juvenile graphic tees and gym shorts. It’s called[..]

New Arrivals

Alright, we know it seems a bit early to start talking about Fall and Winter but let’s face it, it’s the middle of August and even though we’re having some incredible weather Fall is not too far away. In an effort to keep you one step ahead of the pack we wanted to give you[..]