Toronto’s Best Dressed is an annual list complied by Toronto Life which celebrates this cities most fashion savvy individuals from all walks of life and professions. This years list compiled of 23 Torontonians with inimitable sartorial vision features execs, entrepreneurs, talk show hosts, editors, doctors…and most importantly two of our best and loyal clients Michael Burns and Pierre Jutras. In the featured editorial below, you’ll see Michael outfitted in our classic Gotstyle Private Label Dinner Jacket, Duchamp dress shirt, Paul Betenly trousers and Prime patent leather shoe, while Pierre rocked our amazing Moods of Norway vest and trousers.
It’s great to see these exceptional individuals being celebrated not only for their impeccable style sense but also for their invaluable contribution to the growth of this city. Pick up the latest issue of Toronto Life to learn more about these extraordinary individuals.

Gotstyle Private Label Dinner Jacket: 795 Duchamp Dress Shirt: $290 Paul Betenly Trouser: $175 Prime Patent Leather Shoe: $475