

Devon Travis is not a complicated man. For him, it’s about the love of baseball, the Blue Jays and living the dream. But being a major leaguer means dressing like one. And with players like Danny Valencia running the style game it’s only fitting that Devon step to the up to plate. To guide him to greener… [Read More]


This is definitely turning into a year that keeps on giving. Now in its 17th year, the PROFIT/Chatelaine W100 just named Founder/Owner Melissa Austria as one of their Top Female Entrepreneurs in Canada! “You need a bold vision, an innovative strategy and loads of tenacity to earn a spot on the W100,” said  James Cowan, Editor-­‐in-­‐chief of… [Read More]


Big thanks to the Riva Richmond, Director of Digital Media at The Story Exchange for her awesome feature on our Founder Melissa Austria. For those of you unfamiliar with The Story Exchange they are a nonprofit media organization dedicated to telling the personal and professional stories of women business owners. As a women in a “man’s… [Read More]


Knowing the difference between a Made-to-measure and bespoke suit is only the tipping point. Understanding the complex relationship between a client and his tailor, well that’s where the true meat and potatoes lie. To better explain this relationship and to give you glimpse into the world of custom suiting journalist Sara Graham of the Huffington… [Read More]


With the fall of many women’s apparel retailers such as Jacob and Smart Set there is no denying that there is a new wave of stores emerging in Toronto with the male shopper in mind. Recognizing this growing trend Business News Network host Catherine Murray dropped by our Gotstyle Distillery Location to chat with Founder Melissa Austria about… [Read More]


I Can’t believe it’s been 10 years. When I look back at my first piece of marketing material (with hopeful aspirations that we would be open in the Fall of 2004) it feels like yesterday that I was planning my dream store, that would be “a one-stop shopping oasis for men…with clothes to get them… [Read More]