orange socks brown dress shoes

Dress shoes that are made well at an affordable price. Fresh from the box is these beautiful leather dress shoes from our new business starter collection called Launch. The idea behind this collection is to offer a suit, dress shirt, dress shoes, and belt sold together for a seriously affordable starter kit price. Watch out… [Read More]

bar raval fix me a drink

Photographer: Ishmil Waterman Words: Nicole Pimentel Bar Raval is known to be the hotspot in Toronto, specifically little Italy. The Sangria is to die for and watching the two owners in action is worth every last penny. John Varvatos Blazer $498 / Aviator Nation T-shirt $98 Bar Raval is the place to get a cocktail… [Read More]

One of the most sentimental things a man can own is a watch. A quality watch can last decades. Hamilton watches first started to make watches for the American railroad in 1892 so that the trains would start arriving on time. They were also asked to create watches for the very first American airmail postal service… [Read More]

how to wear a dinner jacket at every age feature image

A dinner jacket exemplifies class and refinement. A well fitting dinner jacket steps any man up from feeling like Seinfeld to Don Draper. Watching Downton Abbey you can’t help but marvel at how men used to dress for dinner. Full tuxedo’s, tails and white dinner jackets, showed respect for the company they were keeping and the… [Read More]