Flipping through the most recent issue of GQ, I saw a lot of important tips to keep in mind this fall.
The Perfect Slim Fit Shirt:
- Does it have high armholes?
- Does the sleeve length hit the heel of your hand?
- Does the shirt blouse over your waist when tucked? Not only should it not blouse over, but you should be tucking them in anyways.
Business Casual Style Tips for the Modern Man:
Lose the crewneck undershirts. If the sweat is getting out of control, at least wear a v-neck. Compare it to professional basketball players who wear oversized t-shirts under their jerseys. Just don’t.
- Square toed shoes need to go. Typically if you don’t want your pants wide, why would you want your shoes to be too? Slim it up.
- No need to showcase whether you’re a Blackberry or an iPhone fan boy – keep it off the belt and into your pocket.
- Pleated is debatable in the fashion world, however pleated + baggy makes you flabby and outdated.
- Tailor your jackets, it works wonders for showcasing your body. Navy is a must.
- Slim cut both your shirts and your pants, your silhouette will look much leaner.
Looking to mix things up? Toss a sweater over top your shirt this fall. Just make sure it’s not grandma sized and v-necked.
- Even better, go for a cardigan. It’s true – worn incorrectly can make you look older than you are, so make sure the armholes are high. Go with grey, it goes with everything.