While these jackets don’t have the unique lapels as their Fall collection brothers, they make up for it with beautiful craftsmanship and timeless patterning. Nothing says man like these sports coats – pipe optional. The Haight & Ashbury sports coat (right) includes leather patching down the arm. Just the right amount of leather to differentiate[..]

If you’ve been browsing our new racks, you may have come across some new & interesting lapel designs from our Fall collection. Tailored to make you stand out from the crowd. The new it blazer from Haight & Ashbury (right) includes a shiny, carbon fiber patterned print on the lapel. Something we haven’t seen before[..]

Toni Collette, star of the hit TV show, United States of Tara, stopped into Gotstyle with her on-screen son last week, who was looking for a suit for his graduation. In town this month for the filming of her new movie, Jesus Henry Christ, she was told by her crew to come by Gotstyle. They[..]

Melissa drops a few hints on what to wear in this blistering hot weather. Included in this video: Haight & Ashbury short sleeve shirts, $75-$80 Suit henley $60 Sunday Rocks henley, $90 Haight & Ashbury vent, $95 Marlboro Classics khaki shorts, $125 Suit shorts, $90 Bustle beige pants, $195 Relakz blue pants, $150 Sand blazer,[..]

Gotstyle Profiles

May 3, 2010

GOTSTYLE: The Menswear Store was established in 2005 by Melissa Austria, an industry veteran for over a decade. She got her start in the men’s wholesale business where she earned her reputation as a brand builder and industry insider. Working with brands such as Valentino, Calvin Klein and Kenneth Cole has provided a well versed[..]