The good people at Toronto Life dropped into Gotstyle Distillery to preview what we’ve got up our sleeves for the Spring 2013 hard launch. Here’s a peek at the article: Founder Melissa Austria wanted to create a ”dynamic shopping experience,” which means having girls and guys shop for casual wear next to one another rather than in[..]

It’s been a busy and exciting first week at our new Distillery District space. BlogTO stopped in to take a tour and chat with Charlotte about our journey into womenswear. We’ve taken our new 6,7000 square feet of space and brought womenswear and menswear together. “Some of the women’s clothes have been pulled from familiar[..]

Applied Arts Magazine hosted the first ever AACE Awards; a celebration of innovation and creativity, at Artscape Wychwood Barns on November 1st. MCs of the night Gary Holme of Dorsey/Holme Experience and Will Novosedlik of Idea Couture both looked fitting for the role in fall’s hottest colour, purple. Will is wearing a tweed sportcoat by Ted Baker and Gary wore[..]