
BOGO! – Buy One Get One FREE Suit Sale! – It doesn’t get simpler than this. Buy a suit at our Distillery District store, and we’ll give you another suit of equal or lesser value for FREE! No small print, no gimick, no “catch”. Seeing is believing!

Let the celebrations begin! Toronto Pride is just around the corner and we’ve got the perfect contest for you. It’s time to dig in to your memory banks and pull out a story worth a $1000. That’s right! We’re giving away $1000 Gotstyle wardrobe to one of our lucky readers. All you have to do… [Read More]

We’re on a crusade to get the men of Toronto to up their game especially on date night! We’ve all seen it, that gorgeous girl on a date with a guy that looks like he just rolled out of bed…DON’T BE THAT GUY! It’s time to man up, dress up and be grateful that you… [Read More]

Why is it that fathers always get the short end of the stick with it comes to receiving gifts during fathers day? They always seem to get stuck with some silly gift that they’ll never use. So, to save our feelings they burry it in their sock drawer, occasionally bringing it out for various “family” function. Let’s… [Read More]”

  Today marks the official launch of the Gotstyle Naked Man Online Video Game! Soft­launched last December, today’s wide release comes on the heels of our Grand Opening party celebrating Gotstyle’s new store in the Distillery district,­ the second location in Toronto and the first to cater to both men and women. The Naked Man video game… [Read More]