
Just got back from the trade shows in NYC, starting to buy for next spring. After three trade shows, looking at over 500 different brands in the scorching NY heat, it made for a very long few days. But it is NYC and it’s always fun (and I always seem to go when the shoe… [Read More]

From a page out of the Fall Bible, this preview is on Full Circle‘s new fall collection. Full Circle is a British fashion brand that does re-worked classics with a quirky UK edge. We have carried them since we opened, love it because it offers great styling that’s on trend (without being too out there)… [Read More]

We’re back! (sort of)

July 20, 2010

Sorry for the lack of updates, we were having some technical difficulties with the blog. We even had a full line up of fresh new posts in the past weekend that just poofed. Hopefully I can remember what I wrote!