Meet our Guest Stylist Vylan in the Toronto Star

October 30, 2010

Founder of Better Man Inc., Vylan has spent most of her 12 year career in menswear focusing on executive type clients and high end designer menswear. She possesses a sassy sense of style and cunning ability to transform the most self conscious guy into a modern man.

Here’s a snippet from a Toronto Star article on Vylan, found on the front page of today’s Living section:

Vylan Tran is surveying.

Her eyes, framed in a skeptical squint, begin at my face and move slowly downward, pausing briefly at the most notable fashion offences: the baggy shirt, the so-last-decade three button suit jacket, the unflattering beige coat, the flaring jeans and, perhaps most egregious, the clown-like shoes.

Squint morphs into cringe. An unmistakable conclusion is silently conveyed: I am a sartorial disaster.

Read more on Vylan in the Toronto Star

She’s now working with our team of stylists to improve the Gotstyle man. Come by the store if you want to get a bit of her advice or ask a question.

Feel free to check out her new website at